ID Card Office-NASNI Colorado

W Updated
ID Card Office - NSA North Island Id format
ID Card Office - NSA North Island navy
ID Card Office - NSA North Island veteran

Installation Listings

Installation Listing Category
  • Airforce
  • Navy

Geographical Address

Duty Station(s)
Public Address
104 Murray St Bldg. 251, Rm. 109, Coronado, CA 92118, United States
Postal Code

Contact Info

Operating Hours
Mon 0730 - 1600 Tue 0730 - 1600 Wed 0730 - 1600 Thu 0730 - 1600 Fri 0730 - 1600 Sat Closed Sun Closed Hours Info Appointments available from 0800-1530.

The ID Card Office at NAS North Island handles ID Card matters.

Scheduling for multiple ID's/Transactions In order to ensure appropriate time is booked to complete multiple ID cards or DEERS transactions, please schedule one (1) appointment for every two (2) ID under the same record.

Appointment late policy Please arrive on time for your scheduled appointment. Appointments may not be honored more than 5 minutes past the scheduled appointment time.

Same day services? Same-day appointments are NOT available. If you choose to walk-in, please note that Walk-In must be served between scheduled appointments and may be subject to a cut-off prior to closing if maximum capacity is reached.

Informational Details Please note the following informational details have a restriction on total characters. Due to the shortened nature, not all information may be shown. Please go to for a complete and detailed list of requirements.

RECENT CHANGE: Identification Requirements ALL Sponsors, Spouses, and Dependent Children OVER 18 must have two UNEXPIRED forms of ID to receive a new ID card. One must be a state/government-issued photo ID

ID's no longer acceptable Due to a recent upgrade, ID card offices can no longer accept the following: Student ID's, Expired ID's, or Veterans Identification Card (VIC).

Acceptable Identification Examples Primary: Military ID, Driver’s License, Passport. Secondary: A second Primary ID or Social Security Card, voter's registration card, Birth Certificate, or Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC). All must be unexpired with the exception of the DoD ID.

Changes to your DEERS record If any changes need to be made to a record, the sponsor must be present or a valid Power of Attorney must be presented each time. Additionally, valid supporting documentation MUST be provided.

90-day Renewal Policy The policy regarding the timeline for renewing your ID is 90 days prior to the expiration date. Exclusions: Tricare Young Adult initial issuance, Medicare (age 65), and contract extensions.

ID Card Scanning All military installations have begun scanning ID Cards for base access. If you currently hold an older ID with the SSN printed, it may not scan properly and could be confiscated. Renewal of the ID will then be required.

Dependents without Sponsor present All dependents without the Sponsor present must have a valid POA or DD Form 1172-2 issued by a DEERS station signed by the Sponsor and Verifying Official ahead of time. The 1172-2 form can be handwritten but must be a notarized original.

ID Card Office Online The DD Form 1172-2 can be completed online at Sponsors with CAC or DS Log-on access can digitally sign the 1172-2 and the electronic copy will be available for use in their DEERS record.

Retiree ID Cards Due to a recent computer system update, Pre-MediCare ID cards with a previous "INDEF" end date will now be issued with an expiration date. The front expiration date will reflect the end date of TriCare and begin date of TriCare For Life.

Lost or Stolen CAC All personnel whose CAC card has been stolen must bring a theft report from a Police Station. For lost CAC Cards documentation from sponsoring agency reporting it lost. (Ex: Request Chit/ Memo format on Letter Head)

Adding children to DEERS Child enrollment requires a Birth Certificate and SSN card. Stepchild: the marriage certificate is also required. The illegitimate child requires a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity or Judicial Determination of Paternity as well.

Adding a spouse to DEERS When adding a spouse to DEERS, the Sponsor must bring the following documents for their spouse: Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate, SSN card, and State or government-issued photo ID. All documentation must be original or certified copies.

TriCare for Life (TFL) and MediCare You must be enrolled in Medicare A & B for TFL. DEERS can be updated the month prior to your Medicare start date. Present your Medicare Card & 2 IDs from the list at to an ID Card Office to update DEERS and receive a new ID.

100% Disabled American Veteran For the first time, DOD 100% DAV ID issuance the following documents are required: DD214, VA Award Letter/Award Packet, State or Government-issued photo ID, and SSN card.

Foreign Documentation All foreign documents MUST have a certified English translation (if applicable) AND an Apostille or Consular certification. Contact the document issuing facility to obtain authentication certification.

Full-Time College Student Requirements Letter from Registrar or National Student Clearinghouse stating enrolled/registered full time in an accredited college in pursuit of an Associate Degree or higher. Sponsors must also certify on the 1172-2 form they provide over 50% support to the child.

Policy Change: Full Time College Students Full-time student IDs are now issued to the end of the current semester, graduation date (if the information is provided on the school letter), or 23 if occurs sooner.

Young Adult Program As part of the Health Care reform, there is now a young adult program available for your dependents. For children 21 to 26 who are not married or covered by an employer-sponsored health plan. Contact TRICARE for more info. TYA IDs cannot be issued prior to

Cancel /reschedule appointments Customers will need to know their confirmation number to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Please keep a copy of your appointment confirmation in the event you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

Verify Requirements If the information above does not pertain to your situation, please call an ID Card Office BEFORE arriving to ensure the DOD requirements will be met for your requested DEERS transaction to take place.


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