Military Base Marketing Plans

Get timely exposure to the military community by using our marketing services. Our reliability, trust, and user friendliness give your business the added visibility and relevance to connect and establish partnerships with the military community.

Bronze Marketing Plan



  • High traffic placement of business listing on base directory page of your choosing.
  • Placed on similar high interest base listings for maximum exposure.
  • 10 detailed pictures of business.
  • Ability to see traffic and interest in business listing.
  • 30-day money back guarantee.
Gold Marketing Plan



  • Stunning and eye catching co-branded business landing page.
  • Placement as VO Certified Business (may require business review).
  • Multiple streams of search engine optimization intended to maximize visibility of business.
  • High traffic placement of business listing on base directory page of your choosing.
  • Placement on Virtual Ombudsman's base information page.
  • Placed on similar high interest base listings for maximum exposure.
  • 20 detailed pictures of business.
  • Ability to see traffic and interest in business listing.
  • 30-day money back guarantee.

Select Your Business Plan


Military Base Marketing Plans