Pacific Views Library- Camp Pendleton

W Updated

Installation Listings

Installation Listing Category

Geographical Address

Duty Station(s)
Public Address
Jacinto Rd, Oceanside, CA 92058, United States
Postal Code

Contact Info

(760) 725-2032
Operating Hours
Mon–Fri 9am–5pm
Your safety is our top priority. Please review our current policies:
  • Call (760) 763-4256 or email [email protected] for assistance
  • Request materials online for pickup and/or curbside pickup
  • Please visit
  • Library staff will contact you when holds are available
  • Virtual Storytime will be offered on Tuesdays at 9 am via the Camp Pendleton Libraries Facebook
  • Limited computer stations will be available for client use
  • Program check-in and check-out
  • Limited study space available at Mainside Library only
  • CreateSpace open by appointment only

For the most up to date information on facility closures/program changes and updates, visit

There are three libraries aboard Camp Pendleton that offer a variety of resources & materials to enhance professional and personal learning for all ages. Books may be checked out for up to 21 days. Computers and free internet are available at all branches.

Discover Camp Pendleton Libraries

Library Services and Programs

  • Commandant’s Professional Reading List
  • CAC-enabled computers and WiFi
  • Books, Movies, Video Games and Storytimes
  • Photocopiers /Fax /Scanning services
  • Story Times
  • Programs for children, teens, and adults

Additional Info

Digital Library

Available 24/7:


  • eBooks/eAudiobooks
  • Digital magazines
  • Language learning
  • Continuing Education course for personal and professional development
  • Test Prep: SAT, ACT, GRE, CLEP, and more
  • Research databases

 Digital Library


CreateSpace is a maker space for patrons of all ages to create and learn new skills. Our mission is simple: to enable the patron to create, innovate, investigate, design, and collaborate. *Base access is required to become a patron at CreateSpace

  • 3D printing and Adobe Creative Suite
  • Sewing and Knitting, plus Arts & Crafts
  • Robotics and Legos
  • Photography
  • Coding and more!

Commandant’s Reading List

ALMAR 005/19 The Commandant’s Professional Reading List (CPRL) represents an updated version of those books most pertinent for professional development and critical thinking at each level.

The CPRL is arranged into two sections: “Commandants Choice” and “Grade Levels.” Each Marine shall read a minimum of five books from the “Commandants Choice” or “Grade Level” sections each year. The Grade Level titles are separated into five levels for both enlisted Marines and officers. These levels coincide with specific ranks and Marines should attempt to read all titles within their level prior to proceeding to a higher level.

In addition to the reading list, Marines are highly encouraged to incorporate periodicals into their reading regimens. Scholarly and professionally oriented articles published by independent magazines and journals foster innovation, PME development, critical study of the profession of arms, and serious discussion regarding topics of interest to the Marine Corps. Professional publications inform the debate on current, topical issues of relevance to the Marine Corps and promote the intellectual growth of the individual Marine.

 Officer & Enlisted 2019 Marine Corps Commandant’s Professional Reading List



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